Yunnan Tea

Yunnan Tea

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This is our “house” Yunnan Tea, a type of Black Tea originating from the Chinese province of the same name. It consists of dark, medium-long leaves with bronze-coloured tips. When brewed, it boasts a distinctly woody, earthy flavour.

We pack it fresh to order here at our Pluckley-based factory, nestled within the stunning vistas of the Kentish countryside.

If great taste isn’t enough, though, then it’s worth noting that Yunnan Tea comes with Black Tea benefits. Studies suggest that it can, among other qualities, improve cardiovascular health and reduce diabetes risks.

Furthermore, some suggest it boosts the metabolism of fat cells, enabling the body to burn fat not only quicker but also more efficiently. In other words, it might promote weight loss!

About Yunnan Tea
The Yunnan Province of China has, for centuries, produced the finest quality Green Tea. Its Black Tea production, in comparison, is a relatively recent occurrence. During the 1930s, in the wake of the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), many southeastern Tea-growing provinces became war zones. As a result, officials began scouting Yunnan as a potential alternative for making China Black Tea.

Feng Shaoqiu and his colleague Zheng Hechun, both of the China Tea Corporation, were the first to investigate the province’s economic potential. Travelling to the city of Kunming in mid-October 1938, they went on to board a steam train bound for Xiaguan.

Feng and Zheng arrived three days later, at which point they embarked on a fifteen-day trek over the mountains to Shunning (present-day Fengqing).

By November, the two China Tea Corporation employees had collected several samples of Yunnan Tea - both Green and Black varieties. This resulted in the establishment of the Yunnan Tea Trading Corporation one month later, followed by the Shunning Experimental Tea Factory.

Between 1939 and 1941, some 110 tonnes of Yunnan Black Tea was created, which, of course, went on to become a tremendous success!

Useful Information
Type of Tea: Black Tea.

Origin: Yunnan Province, China.

Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water. Infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Serve: Milk, sugar, honey or lemon are excellent accompaniments. Alternatively, serve black.

Tasting Notes: Yunnan Tea has a lovely woody aroma with smoky undertones. These qualities transcend in taste - in addition to a smoothness like no other.

Colour in Cup: Coppery liquor, dark in tone.

Benefits of Drinking Yunnan Tea
Many scientists believe that habitual Tea drinking (at least three times a week) can support a longer, healthier life.

This is according to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, which saw 100,902 participants split into two groups.

The first group was comprised of volunteers who drank three or more cups of Tea a week. The second group, meanwhile, included those who drank less than three brews a week.

Both sets of test subjects were followed-up for a median of 7.3 years, the results ultimately establishing that 50-year-old habitual Tea drinkers had a 20% lower risk of developing coronary heart disease.

Additionally, scientists noted that these same brew lovers could live up to 1.26 years longer than someone who never or seldom drank Tea.

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