Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP)

Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP)

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Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) is a type of Black Tea from Sri Lanka. The grade, BOP, enables a stronger flavour when brewed, boasting notes best described as bold, full and brisk. It comes from the Dimbula District, which many recognise as the best in terms of the reputable Estates located there. When it arrives with us, we pack it fresh to order.

But that’s not all Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) can offer. It’s worth noting, for instance, that it contains a significant amount of caffeine (around 45-mg per 8-oz cup), thus making it an excellent choice for an energy boost.

There is also the possibility of it coming with Black Tea benefits. Most, however, choose it because, simply put, it tastes great.
Interesting Facts About Ceylon Tea

Ceylon Tea is another (much older) name for Sri Lanka Tea.
The term “Ceylon” once referred to the British colony that existed on the island of present-day Sri Lanka. The locals kept it for their Tea due to its renown around the world.
The production of Ceylon Tea began in the 1800s after a plant-based disease destroyed the local Coffee industry. Tea, in many respects, saved the country from economic ruin.
Today, 4% of Sri Lanka’s landmass consists of Tea-growing land. Regions known for growing it include Kandy, Uva, Nuwara Eliya and, of course, Dimbula.

The Dimbula District

Dimbula is a district in Central Province, Sri Lanka. It lies between two high plateaus, its name deriving from the valley that is found in the heart of the region.

It’s famously home to an abundance of wildlife; elephants by the thousands, deer and sambhur by the tens of thousands, and eagles soaring above its beautiful, iconic landscape. And then, of course, there’s the Tea it produces.

Most of Dimbula’s estates are at elevations between 1,100 and 1,600 metres (3,500-5,000 feet) above sea level. This means that most of the crop is considered “high-grown.”

A unique variety of microclimates, too, play a significant role in the taste and character of Ceylon Dimbula Leaf Tea. Our Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP) is, indeed, one of the finest examples.
Useful Information

Type of Tea: Black Tea.

Origin: Dimbula, Central Province, Sri Lanka.

Brewing Instructions: Brew using freshly boiled water. Infuse for 3 to 5 minutes.

How to Serve: Milk, sugar, honey or lemon - the choice is yours. Alternatively, serve black.

Tasting Notes: Traditionalists flock to this beverage for its bold, full-bodied flavour.

Colour in Cup: Coppery liquor, dark in tone.
Benefits of Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP)

Did you know that Ceylon Tea Dimbula Broken Orange Pekoe (BOP), like most Black Tea types, can enhance cognitive function?

A study conducted at the University of Singapore and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has the answers. The research project saw some 2,500 participants aged 55 or over undergo cognitive measuring.

Two years later, scientists remeasured those involved. The results established that participants who drank two or three cups of Black Tea a day had a 55% lower chance of suffering from cognitive decline.

Those who drank six to ten cups a day, meanwhile, had up to a 63% lower chance. Until we know more, however, we must urge caution when choosing this Tea for this reason.

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