Earl Grey Tea Bags

Earl Grey Tea Bags

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Earl Grey
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Lokácia produktu: Slovakia
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Type:Earl Grey
Počet porcií:50
Čistá hmotnosť:125

These are the best Earl Grey Tea Bags, delightful pockets of goodness that never cease to impress. Each sip evokes images of English upper-class gentry, of lavish banquet halls and magnificent country homes.

However, you don’t have to be a Lord, Count, Baron or, indeed, an Earl to enjoy a combination of China Black Tea and Bergamot Oil in Plastic Free Tea Bags. They’re for everyone.
About Earl Grey Tea Bags

This is one of the most popular and beloved types of flavoured Black Tea in the world. It is perhaps best known for its exceptional flavour, which has a distinct citrusy note with malty undertones.

The origins of the infusion, on the other hand, are largely unknown. One theory is that people added bergamot to preserve Tea leaves during long journeys overseas. There is also a fascinating legend associated with it.

The story goes that the 19th-century Earl and later British Prime Minister Charles Grey (1764-1845) travelled to China on a diplomatic mission. He subsequently saved a boy from drowning in a river, returning the child to his father, who, overcome with gratitude, gifted Grey with Black Tea scented with bergamot.

It took on his name thereafter - or so the tale goes, as no such trip ever happened!
Caffeine in Earl Grey Tea Bags

Mysterious though its history might be, what we do know is the amount of caffeine in Earl Grey Tea Bags. This stimulant exists in every Tea variety from the Camellia sinensis (Tea) plant, including Black, Green, White and Oolong.

The difference between each one is the processing at the factory, whereby Earl Grey Tea is the most processed and, therefore, has 45-mg of caffeine per 8-oz cup.
Earl Grey Tea Bags Without Plastic

Are Earl Grey Tea Bags biodegradable? Will they support mother nature? These are the kinds of questions asked by environment-conscious individuals. You’ll be pleased to know, then, that you’ve chosen Plastic Free Earl Grey Tea Bags, made from a combination of wood pulp and vegetable starch.

While not a perfect solution, they’re an alternative to harmful petrochemical plastics and are compostable.
How Long to Steep Earl Grey Tea Bags

Position the Tea Bag in your cup.

Begin brewing by pouring in freshly boiled water at temperatures of 100°C.

Allow it to steep for 3-5 minutes.

How to Serve: Milk, sugar, honey or lemon - the choice is yours. Alternatively, serve black.

Tasting Notes: Embrace bold, citrusy notes with malty undertones.
Benefits of Earl Grey Tea Bags

An incredible wealth of vitamins, minerals and other antioxidants exist in Earl Grey Tea Bags. These beneficial constituents combined can neutralise free radicals in the body and, as a result, slow oxidative stress.

In other words, your favourite beverage works on a molecular level to reduce the risk of numerous chronic conditions, from cardiovascular disease to type-2 diabetes to even, potentially, cancer.
Earl Grey Tea Bags on Eyes

Anecdotal evidence points to the possibility that putting Earl Grey Tea Bags on Eyes could improve the appearance of dark circles, puffiness and redness.

There are also suggestions, according to preliminary research, that they could treat irritation, styes and pink eye due primarily to their high caffeine content and other constituents. Why not try it for yourself after indulging in a cuppa?

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